

Yemen has a long history of independence. Legend speaks of the Queen of Sheba, or of Arabia Felix. Facts teach us that no one ever really succeeded in conquering Yemen, an inaccessible mountainous country riddled by stubborn tribes.  

Yemenis themselves speak of before and after the history of Yemen. With ‘before history’ Yemenis refer to the impressive pre-Islamic civilizations, some of the earliest in history. They represent a rich source for archaeologists, which can compete with civilizations elsewhere in the Middle East. In Yemen itself this era instills an – albeit sometimes uneasy – sense of pride, for these peoples were un-Islamic in habits and customs.

As a consequence, it is mostly foreign academics and researches who conduct research on these ancient civilizations. Morever, the conservation of pre-Islamic sites is not always adequate. For instance, the columns of the temple of Bilqis are subject to graffiti and carving of modern names by young visitors. A further complication regarding archaeological research and conservation is the location of the sites. These are found mainly in tribal territory, which is not always controlled by the government. Before and after excavations researchers usually have to spend long hours negotiating with tribal leaders.  

Lees verder “History”

Religions and ethnic groups


The population of Yemen is to a high degree homogeneous. All Yemenis are ethnic Arabs with a strong tribal ancestry. The only distinction is whether a tribe has an affiliation with the Sunni (Shafi) Islam or the Shia (Zaidi) Islam. There is also a small minority of Shia Ismailis. There used to be a large number of Jews, but at present the Jewish community number only one or two thousand.

Lees verder “Religions and ethnic groups”



Yemen’s population is the largest of the Arabian Peninsula, and has been a prime source of Arab diaspora since ancient times. Peoples from North Africa to Indonesia trace their ancestry back to Yemen. Tribal influences remain very strong in Yemen, resulting in a sometimes puzzling political system. The people of the Akhdam make up a neglected Yemeni underclass, and have no rights.

Lees verder “Demography”



Yemen is a relatively populous, mountainous country in the southern tip of the Arabian peninsula. It is the southernmost country of the Middle East, bordering Saudi Arabia in the north and Oman in the east. In the south, the over 1000 kilometres long coastline stretches along the Gulf of Aden, extending to the Arabian Sea or Indian Ocean, while to the west the narrow – yet unpredictable – Red Sea separates the country from Africa. In fact, biogeographically the western part of Yemen belongs to the Paleotropics, just as Ethiopia and Eritrea, where the same vegetation and climate are found. 

Lees verder “Geography”


Written for an assignment which materialized, but only parts of it were published on fanack.org
So i publish the entire bur short Yemen Encyclopedia myself.
Please bear in mind this was written in 2008.
Comments and additions are more than welcome at abumelle@xs4all.nl.

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